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Why we are nowhere near ready for space colonies

newtboy says...

I think if you want to make Earth similar to Mars all you have to do is remove the magnetosphere. It wouldn’t take long (geologically) for solar winds to rip away the atmosphere and radiation to sterilize the surface. Perhaps a necessary first step to colonization is a foolproof synthetic magnetosphere. How else do you shield an entire planet/moon?

If I recall, the biggest failure of biosphere2 was, with all that money, planning, and brain power they forgot to factor in the oxygen the bacteria in the soil would use and factor in the formation of calcium carbonate on the exposed concrete and had to (secretly) add pure oxygen to the system at least once.

Also contributing to the failure, Steve Bannon was put in charge (despite major objections by the team) and immediately the project fell apart among allegations of abuse and safety concerns he admitted in court… “ He also testified that when the woman submitted a five-page complaint outlining safety problems at the site, he promised to shove the complaint "down her throat".”…the crew sued over this and won $600000 in compensation!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Republican leaders are fundraising and partying to Free Miles Guo…the Chinese business man indicted for defrauding Americans of $1 billion with Steve Bannon with the fraudulent “we build the wall” scheme, pocketing all the donations….because you hate China defrauding America. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Because I’m pretty sure you didn’t look up Larry Householder and Matt Borges…

The government proved beyond a reasonable doubt at trial that Householder and his enterprise conspired to violate the racketeering statute through honest services wire fraud, receipt of millions of dollars in bribes and money laundering.
The conspiracy involved nearly $61 million in bribes paid to a 501(c) entity to pass and uphold a billion-dollar nuclear plant bailout.

More MAGA corruption from the base to the top, selling out the people for cash. It’s what your party is all about. More MAGA convictions than every other party combined in the countries history, serious thought and effort put into dissolving the United States, and an attempted coup…and MAGA is only 7 years old.

Bonus- Top MAGA Republican backer and Steve Bannon partner and friend “Guo Wengui” was just arrested and criminally charged for engaging in a $1 billion fraudulent investment scheme.
And sweet zombie Jeebus, seems CPAC was proudly sponsored by “the new federalist state of China”, the CCP. Weird that today’s Republican Party is chummy with and in awe of Putin and Xi and despise American government and democracies.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

For your edification…..

This is Miller, telling Trumpists one thing on far right media, that Trump staged 20000 national guard troops that were never requested…and the complete opposite under oath, that he never requested any national guard or police even as everyone who spoke to him begged him to deploy the guard….that’s another reason you aren’t hearing the fantasy side of the argument….Trump’s people aren’t prepared to be caught lying to congress, and they know pretty well that congress has documentation and records that might prove they lied, so they’re being more honest than they are normally. This is why you have everything wrong and backwards, the people you listen to are prepared to outright lie to you every single day. They told you more than once directly and publicly that they have no obligation to tell the truth to the American people if they aren’t under oath.

I’m telling you the facts, the cold, hard, uncomfortable facts. The “other side” is just making it up as they go.

BTW, convicted and disgraced Steve Bannon just called for 4000 shock troops to deconstruct the government brick by brick, and for killing Biden’s entire administration in the crib, a clear unambiguous call for violent murderous insurrection against the US….again. Not sure how that’s not a direct death threat against the president on air….expect Bannon to go away longer than the 2 years he’s facing.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Idk how this can still be true while so many of them are going to jail and Steve Bannon is being arrested for contempt of congress any day now.

As you say

bobknight33 said:

Sad you dont know what truth is. It is not on cable news.
Jan 6 was much to do about nothing except a large group of people wished to voice their displeasure of the government.

Few actually wanted to breach the walls but even so didn't have a plan past that. So yo have a few who breached and many many just followed for a look ... Those who got caught should face their crime of trespassing.

FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol. But they found no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside, the sources said.

Prosecutors have filed conspiracy charges against 40 of those defendants, alleging that they engaged in some degree of planning before the attack.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

News of the day-
"We build the wall", Steve Bannon's fraudulent"charity" started to privately fund Trump's border wall, is out of money and can't pay it's defense lawyers.
To remind you, we build the wall took in over $25 million in donations to build some fencing with the promise that all the money would go to construction, no one was getting a salary, and spent nearly $5 million on building a short, poorly built section, much of which has already fallen over.
Where's the other $20 million!? Kind of a problem that they say it's gone, because that's what they're being charged with, misappropriation of the donations....and since Bannon took a pardon, he's already legally admitted they stole the money, and Bannon cannot plead the fifth and must admit under oath how the scheme worked and who stole the rest of the money.

Not a good time for them to lose their legal team. It's so satisfying to watch as Trump's criminal empire comes crumbling down and so many of his supporters lose everything including their reputations, money, and freedom. Must be a scary time for you....hope you didn't put your money where your mouth is or they may be looking at you soon. D'oh!

Ex-Trump Adviser Steve Bannon Arrested & Charged with Fraud

bobknight33 says...


Federal Judge Dismisses Steve Bannon’s Indictment.

Bogus Charges on Bannon Dropped… ‘We Build The Wall’ Case Falls Apart…

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Also, that Epoch times site guy... and the company

I'm not wasting more time on your nonsense than I have to

+buuuurp+ ooo sorry about that, just came out, anyway.

im not wasting my time digging because idk it's like at what point do you tell a person who is suffering from a mental illness that you're not taking them seriously anymore?

+pats your head+

nevertheless, from a glancing of the sources cited on the wiki, there's an...odd? story behind this site?

Introducing|>>>>>>>>>>>> The Epoch Times! The news source that is so honest we have no fucking clue where they get their money from...except probably china...probably.

"The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 by John Tang and other Chinese Americans affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement.[26] Tang was a graduate student in Georgia at the time; he began the newspaper in his basement.[21] The founders said they were responding to censorship inside China and a lack of international understanding about the Chinese government's repression of Falun Gong.[27][28] In May 2000, the paper was first published in the Chinese language in New York, with the web launch in August 2000.[29]

According to NBC News, "little is publicly known about the precise ownership, origins or influences of The Epoch Times," and it is loosely organized into several regional tax free non-profits, under the umbrella of the Epoch Media Group, together with New Tang Dynasty Television.[18][21]

The newspaper's revenue has increased rapidly in recent years, from $3.8 million in 2016 to $8.1 million in 2017 (with spending of $7.2 million) and $12.4 million in 2018.[36] Tax documents of the Epoch Media Group indicated that between 2012 and 2016, the group received $900,000 from a principal at Renaissance Technologies, a hedge fund led by the conservative political donor Robert Mercer.[37] Chris Kitze, a former NBC executive and creator of the fake news website Before It's News who also manages a cryptocurrency hedge fund, joined the paper's board as vice president in 2017.[36]

A 2020 report in The New York Times called The Epoch Times' recent wealth "something of a mystery." Steve Bannon, the former executive chairman of Breitbart News who produced a documentary with NTD, said "I’d give them a number" on a project budget and "they'd come back and say, 'We’re good for that number.'" Former employees say they were told The Epoch Times is financed by subscriptions, ads and donations from wealthy Falun Gong practitioners.[21]

simonm (Member Profile)

Joe Won't Stand Up For Us

newtboy says...

Isn't it hilarious how Trump's best argument is "If you elect Biden, things could be almost as bad as they are now under me." I particularly like the one with the riots and Jack booted thugs of Trump's American nightmare claiming this could be Biden's America....BUT THAT IS TRUMP'S AMERICA YOU IJITS.

Trump didn't stand up for us against China, he stood up for Ivanka, then asked China to interfere in our election. He tossed out a trade pact for trade wars costing Americans untold billions or trillions and totally failed at trade talks.

Every other nation except Russia and Saudi Arabia want Biden over Trump, especially our allies but even most of our enemies would rather we be rational and sane than unpredictably weak and irrationally scared.

If you want to talk about family members profiting from their parent's public office, let's talk about Trump's kids @bobknight33, who actually did take gifts directly from China (not profits on investments they made, gifts) of tens of millions, one worth a reported $35 million by itself, or the hundreds of millions collected from the middle east by Jarred, or the tens of millions collected by Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb from Canada and elsewhere...all based on promises made by the president to those foreign powers to scratch their back if they scratch his.


Face it, you cannot make a single accusation on any topic deriding Biden where there isn't direct evidence of Trump being exponentially worse than his usually false accusations about Biden. Not one. *fail is right, buddy, another failed Trump attempt to smear a good man.
BTW, another court has said Trump can no longer hide his tax frauds today. Never before has so much taxpayer money been spent to hide someone's taxes, constant court cases for years using government lawyers has likely cost taxpayers near $100000000 to hide his taxes if you count the cost of the lawyers and courts, of course never before has a president refused to release them before the election, but never before has a repeatedly convicted fraud, thief, and charity con man been president.

Edit : Aaaaaaaahahahahaaa!!!! Another Trump stooge, Steve Bannon (I don't know him, never met him, I've heard good things about him but no, I don't know Steve) and multiple other administration officials including the acting head of the DEA arrested on more fraud charges, this time for defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors out of >$25000000 they donated to Trump's "build the wall" campaign. The hits never stop coming with Trump. Tired of winning yet?

simonm (Member Profile)

nanrod (Member Profile)

Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

lurgee (Member Profile)

Governor of Washington Slams Trumps over Muslim Ban

enoch says...

so i have been watching this argument over the "ban" all over my facebook.people really like their little "memes" that offer no real criticism,nor any context,they simply display that persons particular bias.the discussion over this "ban" was not my issue was with the utter lack of depth of understanding.the evident laziness of those who got up on their little soapbox and sanctimoniously,and self-righteously moralized over a situation that they maybe..maaaybe..spent a total of five minutes on.

until finally my head exploded,and i went into hulk-mode.this was my rant,that i now share with you all:

jesus fucking i reading these comments correctly?

ok,lets put a little clarity into the mix,shall we?

first of all its not actually a "ban" but an extension to vette refugees further.

sounds reasonable right?

but what is NOT mentioned is that the majority of these refugees have already BEEN vetted,and the process has taken up to two years already.

so stop wetting your pants over brown people who happen to be muslim.

let us take a look at the countries whose refugees are being "banned".

notice anything?

each and every one of those countries the american military is deployed in.the CIA has been fighting a proxy war in syria for five fucking YEARS.obama expanded operations into:sudan,somolia,yemen,syria and jordan (another proxy war executed by our radical saudi arabia buddies,who just happen to hate america and promote the most radical of muslim interpretations:wahhabism.they spend BILLIONS of their oil money to open madrasas across the region to light the match of radical islam)

so we,along with russia,turkey and other nations,are bombing the SHIT out of these countries,therefore creating the refugee crisis in the first place,and then we turn around an slap a "ban" on them.

oh,i'm sorry,not really a ban,just an extension to vette them further,because god knows we need more than two years to find out if someone is radicalized.

hypocrisy much america?

and this should make us all VERY nervous,but corporate media has YET to address this little turd nugget.a federal court slapped an injunction on this "ban",because it was not done through the proper channels,but rather through executive order.

and DHS ignored the injunction.
IGNORED it,because who needs "checks and balances" right?
who needs an institution,which was put in place to uphold the law and to restrict a sitting president from over-stepping his authority?

and the fact that the DHS,which is under the DoD,outright ignored a direct order from a federal judge to cease and desist,because trump had overstepped his authority by attempting to use executive orders to circumvent the law.,and this was just an injunction,which really just means "stop!until we further review"...the DHS ignored the injunction.

lets ignore the fact that trump gutted the very agency that would have been the first to challenge his executive order "banning" these refugees.trump literally gutted all the high ranking officials at the state dept.

his press secretary said,and this is fucking laughable..they resigned..ALL of them?
all of them just stood up and resigned?

so it came down to a judge to hold trump accountable,which he did by injunction and an entire dept ignored that federal judges ruling.

now let us look at the countries left off that list.

notice anything?

well well well...would you look at that.
not only do they all purchase large amounts of weapons and military apparatus from us.not only do have they have large reserves of oil that our american companies make a shit ton of money from,but lookie here..trump has business in every singly one of those countries.


oh,and lets not overlook the fact that by executive order trump opened the door to have steve bannon on the national security council!
an unqualified,and with zero experience white nationalist is now on the national security council.

this is unprecedented!

but who cares right?
who needs those protocols,or checks and balances right?

trump is slowly creating his own tiny cabal of extreme loyalists and you people are wetting your pants over some brown people who lost everything,and have spent TWO FUCKING YEARS to find refuge?

this isnt the behavior of a president.
this is the behavior of a king.

yes,other presidents have implemented bans.
this is not a new thing.
what IS new,and some of you nimrods are either willingly,or unwittingly ignoring,is that THOSE bans were in direct response to the US being threatened by a particular group,and THOSE bans had the approval of congress..not a fucking piece of paper that king trump signed.

does america need to reform it's immigration policies?
yes,most certainly.

do we need to have an system in place to help assimilate refugees from syria beyond vetting?

of course,all we have to do is look at germany and see what happens when you allow refugees into your country without proper preparation and a system in place to see just how horrible it can get.

does this mean that every muslim refugee is somehow a terrorist?

well,just look at dearborn michigan.the largest muslim community in america and tell me how many terrorist came from that city? how many muslims were radicalized in dearborn?

is radicalized islam a problem?
yes,of course,who would deny this?

but the causes of radicalization are well understood,and have been well documented,and it is NOT only muslims who engage in terrorism.

really folks,before you start making declarations of certitude without having even the most basic knowledge how our government functions,you need to shut the fuck up.

and for FUCK sakes pick up a book once in awhile,and stop being a gaggle of fucking bed wetters. little fags piss yourselves every time a muslim is even mentioned in conversation.

oh,and before one of you tough guys even think about talking shit to me.
1.i am ex go fuck yourself. JOB is to debunk bullshit stories and research politics and offer analysis.

so you better think twice before you go off half cocked,because my comment hurt your wittle feewings.your comments are ignorant and they are so lacking in the basic understanding of how this government operates that the only feeling you should having right now is:SHAME.

*edit:this is not directed towards anyone in particular here,but this single focus on trumps ill-thought "ban",and how he did so in such a broad,and general wave of a pen stroke that affected even those HAD gone through the process to get their green cards,visas etc etc is simply buying into the corporate narrative.

and then NOT consider the implications of a gutted state department,the loss of the attorney general and the defiant,disobedience of the DHS in regards to a federal judges injunction.

is unforgivable in it's ignorance.

the implications ALONE should make us all worried.
very very worried.
because it appears trump is reshaping our government into his own little fiefdom of loyalists,willing to defy the everyday governmental operations of checks and balances.

trump is consolidating and concentrating his power by creating his own little cabal of loyalists.that motherfucker has ALREADY put his candidacy on the ballot for accepting donations to the highest bidder! feel free to purchase your own piece of the american presidency!

on sale NOW! so act fast! positions are limited!
*prices may vary according to your status and where you reside on the class scale.poor people can simply fuck off.

i realize this speculation on my part,
and i could be wrong.
god..please let me be wrong.

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