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4 Revolutionary Riddles Resolved!

TARS & CASE: The Interstellar Robots Behind The Scenes

Esoog says...

Wow...I never realized there was THAT much live acting involved with the bots. Hearing that soundtrack really makes you feel some of the pain from the movie. Reminds me what a great film it was. The end is a mind-fuck...but damn, I loved it.

That Doesn't Make Sense

chingalera says...

You know why he got flagged as an enemy of the State, right? The reason being is that the 'state' in the United States of Unconsciousness has effectively cornered the market on cradle-to-grave programming of yet another generation's children.

Career Assignment
Instruction (how to be a dutiful wage-slave)

Check a local public school library and required textbooks in the U.S. for the latest version of history re-written, remedial English, science, maths texts-The majority of texts in school libraries???.....Fucking picture-books. Pathetic, and glaringly obvious the agenda and purpose.

The police state wants children as smart/ignorant as the cunts running the show need them to be conveniently mind-fucked on-demand.

Is it working?? One has but to check the world-view of the 'millennials' to gauge the effectiveness of the mindfuck.

Sagemind said:

"... Fired because the school district figured kids could in hypothetically have access to it and might make them question religion"

And who's going to stand up for critical thinking if not teachers?

BIll Maher Unleashes Against Militarized Police

chingalera says...

What's coming inevitably will be as it's always been in the 'century-of-self ': The machine keeps peeps distracted by disinformation, issues to rally-behind, toys to play with and continual mind-fucking through Bernay's-style cradle-to-grave programming then....Suddenly, like three skyscrapers dropping into their footprints on International Shit-Box Tonight with Sham Cocksworth, yet another, 'create-the-crisis-provide-the-solution' scenario will further strengthen the resolve of the assholes who want ultimately to have the world to themselves and the bulk of humanity as dutiful robot-putty-slaves.

Technology, technique, fear, and an empty promise of safety and security (please, think of the children again, break to commercial) will shape the next worldwide crisis and urgency of action...and again, watch rights and individual responsibility deteriorate into a controlled chaos.

Fake alien invasion? Orchestrated and choreographed conflicts? Some scary flesh-eating disease? Most-likely the next planetary theatrical concoction will be some superfecta once again where fascism continues to reign supreme and the entire globe continues along the path of planetary lock-down.

Oh, and pusillanimous shit-heals with Cheeto-stained fingertips will between anime-clips and chicken-choking to porn, (who think they know how police fraternities work), will continue to pop-spit from the illusory comfort of their soiled computer chairs....

'Right...'Left' ?? Again, for the ChaosEngines of the world...a concocted and programmed, fucking illusion.

Jon Snow confronts Israeli Spokesperson on killing of kids

chingalera says...

What you do is shave all the males bald and tattoo a giant letter 'C' for cunt on their foreheads after dropping leaflets warning those who want to keep their disguises, to get the hell out before sunrise. Relocate the women and children to de-assholification kibbutzim created specifically to derail yet another generation's mind-fucking.

9547bis said:

Which is exactly what a terrorist would do. Welcome aboard, Osama.

Neil deGrasse Tyson schooling ignorant climate fools

chingalera says...

Climate change-The hot-topic for a new age of ineffectuals...something for the insects to rally-around and discuss which produces nay but fodder for the same passive-aggressive types who are being seduced by their desire to trade practical action (whatever that could be) for polemic intercourse with themselves and others like them on the internet....

....people who are passionate to a fault and use forums like this to espouse their anger and frustration with tomes of keystrokes AT and not WITH others they deem unworthy, those ignorant and simpering few with opinions or observations dissimilar to theirs (and lower than 130 I.Q.'s....*cough), who know they are helpless to act to stop the high-speed train of planet-fucking (wage-slave-required and dutifully induced through the programming by adepts of semantic mind-fucking).This delusional empowerment, with all the invisible superpowers of new 'information' gives them the license and ability to do absolutely nothing to correct or marginally disrupt the pace of the so-labeled change while becomming better dicks in doing-so.

This fan-driven subject of climate change they use not only to deride those with any dissenting opinion and doubt regarding the mechanics and unfolding of what our big, blue marble is handing the creatures onnit, but also and most evidently obvious, to bolster their own superiority and self-satisfaction in their ability to process the distraction of disinformation/information/datum-ad-nauseum, and then condense it into how clever they can be in being complete assholes without breaking rules of accepted decorum so they can hear themselves bark, howl, and foment.

Smug, helpless, and irritatingly predictable in their helplessness to do anything more effectual than to add more used motor oil to the bonfire of their own vanity.

I would ask these irritating bugs what ARE you prepared to do to alter the course of the 'changes' in the 'terminal climate' described above? Recycle and drive a hybrid? Sacrifice anything but another trip to a polling-station? Oh I know, sit at your computer keyboard and grow more incensed while going-on with your business of spouting and shouting from a mountain of trash that you add-to daily by converting oxygen to more life-giving C02 and buying shit you don't need with paper you are forced to trade for 'bads and disservices??'

Thought so.

Fuck global warming in it's ass and let the planet shake and quiver with change as humans and/or their own slave-like actions continue to feed the earth-furnace. The bigger fish to fry and serve head-on have you by the short and curlies and we're all bio-fuel for future generations

David Blaine: Real or Magic with Harrison Ford

chingalera says...

You keep thinking that then if you'd like. As I watched this, when he asked what card he was thinking of I thought to myself 'nine of hearts'- NO SHIT

Somewhere embedded in his technique is the answer to the suggestion
Metaprogrammings' a motherfucker.

Anyone else??

Or wait....Maybe it's simply having seen this before and the 9 of hearts was already there, locked into the folds of the hippo-campus/cerebral cortex highway? Don't recall ever having seen this before...

Either ways...If David Blaine came over, I'd prolly tell him what Han Solo here told him BEFORE he had a chance to mind-fuck me..The difference? It wouldn't be......"ACTING!!!"

Seriously though, y'all really thought that Blaine was being rudely and cruelly ejected from his home?? C'mon people...suspend your disbelief for the sake of your hearts and get over yourselves....all he said was the 'eff' word.

"Next up: Blaine will bury himself in the permafrost of Antarctica in a steaming-hot bubble-bath of human blood and for forty days and forty nights with but a single meal-worm to snack on for the duration. When he rises from his ghoulish and self-imposed sarcophagus he will have drunk all the contents of the bathtub...But first, this commercial interruption to your body's natural vibrations."

Eukelek said:

... obviously a suggestion technique... quite cunning though... He suggests the 9 of hearts constantly somehow and make him only come up with that through suggestion. The rest is simple. I concur, terrible reaction... almost to much, kinda forced...

Japanese Dolphin Hunt Condemned By World

chingalera says...

Well enoch, through observing the massive mind-fuck of their culture obviously, and passing judgement as is my preference to do so. It is because I am both fascinated and disgusted with them that I came to this bone-headed conclusion I suppose-Ask a self-actualized Japanese expatriate of their opinion of their own culture for another answer to the same question.

Bernie Sanders tears into Walmart for corporate welfare

chingalera says...

Who'ses reality would be my first question, out of touch with 'WHO's' reality? Everyone has a 'choice' sir, and working at Walmart is FAR from any last resort-Don't know how or why anyone would desire to to deconstruct your skewed line of non-reasoning and retarded polemic...Suffice it to say that you have many other folks who are as developmentally-disabled as yourself with such horseshit thinking that at least you won't be lonely or have to enjoy your mind fucking itself in solitude.

Cheap prices they are able to "give?" Fuck that sorry noise. Walmart giveth unto itself and the machine that created it. So you understand the degree to which you are being ass-fucked and you are satisfied with that? No wonder the United States and the world is in such a de-evolving state...

Sagemind said:

Wow, so many of these people are so far out of touch with reality.
It's not a choice to work at Wall Mart - It's a last resort. If people had other options, they wouldn't be there. Few people chose to live in poverty

And Who cares about the cheap prices that Wal Mart is able to give. It's self serving. The largest employer keeps it's employees poor so they have no choice but to shop at their own store, which in turn just gives their wages back to employers. Sure other people reap the benefits of some cheap stuff, but let's stay real. It's cheap because the quality is often lowered to meet the competitive contracts targeted for manufacturers to be able to be Walmart's choice product. Nothing bought at WalMart lasts more than a year or two, you always end up re-buying it. So where is the cheap affordability now?

And while Wall Mart works hard to choke out the competition so they can raise their prices on certain products, their merchandising does the same thing. They only target certain manufacturers and give then the lion's share of the merchandising space on their shelves. Selection at Wal Mart is Slim. They are great at choosing your brands for you. The companies that play ball with WalMart. I have better selection on items at non department stores. Case in point Groceries. They have great prices on certain grocery items, but I don't have any choice on the brands I'm buying. And sooner or later, I'll still need to go to the grocery store, because WalMart just can't give me what I need to stock my kitchen with the basics. My Wall Mart doesn't even sell large bags of sugar.

Jupiter Ascending -- new film from Andy and Lana Wachowski

chingalera says...

Dude-Speed Racer was a sensory-overload mind-fuck of a recent forgotten film with a sheit script and disinterested actors who seemed stultified from making an entire film in front of a green screen.
Craptacular is how I'd describe it.

grinter said:

Speed Racer was fantastic!
...I'm pretty sure that unscrupulous promotion of Spiderman 3 had something to do with the negative reviews.

David Mitchell Getting Annihilated on Would I Lie To You

chingalera says...

Empire makes people lazy, ineffectual, and easily herded.
@T-man & Xaielao: Ever wonder why nations supposedly on the top of the societal food chain are full of bobble-heads playing trivial pursuit on the telly while millions of mini-bobblers watch?
Your basic mind-fuck.

John Stossel Gets Schooled on the 4th Amendment

chingalera says...

News media has no free-will to program anything-all are mouthpieces for a failing machine. Government abuse = warehousing my emails and phone calls, installing cameras driven by facial recognition software, requiring a number generated at birth for me in order to facilitate livelihood then stealing a percentage to continually improve their global scam..etc, etc, etc.

Anarchy, then a sober epoch of repair and healing from the global mind-fuck humanity is now forced to engage in would be my choice for change....

All You Can Eat Ribs

16 year old athlete breaks world record

chingalera says...

Velocity5 sounds like one of the "people" who wrote the helpful suggestions to mankind found on the Georgia Guidestones.....

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

I have a suggestion there for ya, sparky?? Perhaps what you perceive as some career or discipline that benefits mankind would be perceived as detrimental to the planet for someone else....What if your concept of reality is based on perceptive dysfunction distilled in you through an engineered psycho-cybernetic mind-fuck in order to create a member of the machine who sees only practical application and duty to the whole as beneficial?

The world needs insects. They carry out dutifully, tasks necessary to the functioning of systems....
She also needs artisans, musicians, and quantum theorists, eh? There's a balance to consider here Chim-Chim....Thank God for people working in refineries and perky chicks poppin' flips, so I may continue my tenure here on "PLANET PRACTICAL" with some relief from the CORN-COB-UP-ASS types determined to make it uncomfortable and boring.
Rather be here than in the Terminator world, Slim!

Aussie rules football -- how to make a play

Yogi says...

One day I was just laying about and I saw on ESPN3 this thing called AFL. I had no idea what it was so I clicked on it to check it out. Mind...Fucking...Blown. I've been watching AFL for over a year now and I still don't have any idea what's going on. The refs blow the whistle constantly, as a soccer ref I keep wondering "Why isn't anyone stopping!?" I watch every game they put on ESPN3...sometimes twice. I ended up watching one Final twice but that was because they played it twice because they'res no such thing as a tie breaker...that was insane to me.

They can consider me an lifelong fan because I'll never get tired of watching this FUCKING Insane game. It's absolutely amazing.

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