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...To Survive a Nuclear War

BSR says...

Well... you're certainly a ray of sunshine.

If I survived a nuclear bomb and could never get a cup of coffee afterwards, I would slit my throat.

newtboy said:

Lost me at the first line of the description “A nuclear bomb is the most devastating explosion ever created”…only by man….and only so far.
There are larger more devastating explosions all the time…volcanoes and meteors for instance. Both have dwarfed the largest nuclear weapons. The explosion that created the moon reshaped the entire planet.

Man Rips Up His Cash Over Seat Belt Ticket

BSR says...

Seat belts will better help keep you in control of your vehicle after a collision. If your car rolls over or you go sideways into a tree it helps keep you from back, head and neck injuries which could leave you with pain and mobility issues long after the crash. I also see it as being very selfish to your family and loved ones who potentially may have to care for you if you survive, in which case you will be very annoyed and annoying.

It should be mandated by government because some people think they are the best drivers ever.

Does any of your family members drive the disabled alarm car?

visionep said:

Forcing adults to wear them does nothing for public safety, it's a personal safety issue which shouldn't be mandated by the government.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I don't think that word means what you think it does. It does not mean "trumpster", they are NOT conservative.

No, today's "conservatives" are not people of law, respect, or respect for the law. That's a lie you tell when the law is on your side and discard the instant it isn't. Conservatives only respect the law when it's on their side, and disrespectfully ignore it whenever it isn't. Let's talk mask mandates just to start. "Conservatives" are all for the right to refuse service over sexuality, political affiliation, and privately race, but when it's the right to refuse service to dangerous morons that refuse to follow public health guidelines suddenly refusing service is violating their rights and warrants violent outbursts, up to and including kidnapping a governor....Those aren't liberal Karen's throwing violent tantrums, they're Trump's "good people" and he loves them....your conservative heroes.

"Conservatives" just attacked the government of the United States with bombs, fire bombs, guns, tasers, hand ties, and a hanging noose set up. To do this, they murdered one officer and injured 60 more. Hardly respecting the law. Pretty much the opposite of patriotic.

In the last 4 years, every single instance of domestic terrorism was perpetrated by "conservatives". Every attempted assassination. Every cowardly mail bomb. Almost every death threat against representatives, including right wing representatives that simply weren't in close enough lock step with Trumpler.

Lol...try feeding your patients, they won't get so thin.

The rest of us, +- 4/5 of the country, have had our patience worn thin by the hypocritical infantilism from the right, led by the biggest spoiled rotten baby to ever hold office (but never win an election). He is the absolute best at getting impeached....congratulations.

"Conservatives" demean, debase, lie, cheat, bully, and even commit treasonous terrorism to get their way, and turn on anything and everyone who doesn't go how they just turned on the USA because it elected the other guy.

Now, after 4 years of legislating unilaterally with absolutely zero interest in bipartisanship, not even including Democrats in discussions over legislation much less letting them have a say in them, they suddenly want nothing less now that they aren't in power. Fuck you bitches, bitch, whine, moan, and cry me a river. Better not fight, though, you don't know how to do it legally, and can't control the majority that want war with America....and you fuctards kill more of yourselves than your enemies when you fight.

I'M CALLING FOR A TOTAL TRAVEL BAN ON "CONSERVATIVES" and a moratorium against hiring them for any government job until we can figure out what the hell is going on.

Bob, don't use words you don't know, like ilk. You invariably use them wrong and just look foolish and uneducated. Just because it's a small word doesn't mean it's for you or your ilk.

Never heard a more spoiled two year old sounding statement in my life. It boils down to 'If we can't get what we want all the time, we're burning down the country....because we love it and are the only real patriots. ' Disgusting self centered stupid bratty babies you are. You're like abusive spouses that, now that the divorce is nearly final, are planning the kidnapping, rape, and murder of your loved one and children because you and no one else loves them, so no one else will have them....and you think you're the sane ones.

If WE keep pushing!? After 4 years of your non stop shoving party you're suddenly against it?! Eat a bag of baby dicks and send me a review.

Bring the fight, pussy, and enjoy gitmo if you survive. You babies aren't the only ones who can shoot, and the rest of us have the law, the international community, patriotism, police, and army on our side. You have the Q Shaman, Putin, some fired bad cops, and actual crackheads (like advisor to trump, Mr my pillow).

bobknight33 said:

Conservatives are people of lawful respect. Which after last 30 years our patients are wearing thin.

Liberals are bitch moan and fight to get their way.
Liberals are the party of ilk.

The fight is coming if your ilk keeps pushing.

Do You Regret All Your Lying?

newtboy says...

Nice of you to say, but Trumpublicans are immune to facts.

I've thought for years my discussions with Bobby aren't for him, they're to contradict his nonsense so other people don't get conned by liars. He's a total lost cause, proven when he said only stupid people tell the truth under oath if the truth might hurt them, defending Trump lying in his depositions. Anyone who supports perjury is lost.

Yes, sometimes kids who like fire need to be burned , badly, to gain respect for fire...I did. Sometimes even that doesn't teach them (my brother didn't stop making pipe bombs just because he almost blew himself up, for instance). The problem is, they usually burn down a house or two before getting burned enough themselves, maybe burning a few people to death for lack of a lesson. I say, if you see a kid playing with matches a second time, light their ass on fire in a dirt field, give them all the fire they'll ever want and then some. If they survive, they'll almost certainly quit lighting fires.

Bob is lighting fires at home with his other firebugs. None of them are concerned, none of them wants the fire out.

BSR said:

I've always thought if anyone could bring bob around it would be you.

Unfortunately the facts seem to have been spitballs at a battleship with him.

Your efforts have not been lost on everyone though and I applaud all the research and knowledge you've given to all in presenting the facts.

But sometimes when a child is fascinated with fire they will still play with matches no matter what anyone says. Sometimes you just need to get burned to discover the truth.

I can only assume that bob does what he does as to not be alienated from those he loves.

I know he does have some compassion in him.

It just needs some attention to grow.

Kimberly Jones Explains Why People Protest, Riot & Loot

newtboy says...

So was murder, and rape, so I'm coming over to murder you, put your children into slavery, and your wife too if she survives my whole tribe raping her. What, can't get over the past? It's the norm since Jesus, until the 1800's at least...but you just gave me permission to ignore any civil progression. Thanks, I can use some white slaves and a whore.
Dumbass, the constitution allowed slavery, and actually so did Lincoln, he offered to allow states to decide themselves if they just paid their taxes.
South said no dice, and went with treason. They much preferred being traitors to admitting blacks were human beings.

When you start with nothing (not the >$400000000 "nothing" Trump was handed), are denied opportunities, loans, housing (by Trump and pops in many cases) businesses, and in places where you're successful anyway like Tulsa, you get massacred, you're left with little chance for personal or cultural financial progress. Derp.
When you then, having scratched out a living despite the dozen daily roadblocks whites don't have, must compete with those who were handed $400000000 but claim to be self made and also don't have roadblocks like loan refusal, rental refusal, job refusal, purchasing refusal, near daily delays and attacks by racist police, business burnings, etc, that's not the past holding you back, it's the present.

The countries where it's local have mostly white police forces that are also racist against black and brown people, and even so are mostly protesting America's massive systemic racism, holding George Floyd signs and slogans. You know that, you aren't 3....or are you?

Never heard of colonialism I guess. Well, that's not surprising. See, white Europeans took over most brown or black countries, racistly claiming they couldn't govern themselves because they weren't fully human. That was a global racist endeavor.

You are such a stupid, racist tool. You should be forced to live in rural S Africa and learn what racism is before opening your ignorant mouth and spouting stupidity. You really have no clue what you're talking about, as usual.

You make me so sad and worried for humanity if we have your ilk dragging us down and backwards.

bobknight33 said:

You don't have anything because you haven't tried to get over the past.

Slavery was the norm since Jesus.
The Constitution gave a path to end it.

When you have a chip that big on your shoulder.
When you don't have a father in your family.
When you blame others for your blight.
You are left with little chance of personal financial progress.

What I find odd is that the BLM movement is Global. Since this is indeed Global then this is not an White racist America problem, nor European racist issue. The whole white globe can't be at fault for the blight of the black. So the true question is What is the Black doing to better themselves? Or are they just screaming poor little ole me? Or is the truth really is that blacks are fucked over just as much as everyone else but used as political pawns. Since a black can achieve / become whatever they want in life, I think the latter is the correct answer.

2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

newtboy says...

*personal experience crashing/rolling...too much of it

I'm no doctor, but I've been in dozens of what normal people would call wrecks/accidents thanks to off road, and multiple rolls. The lateral (to the side) forces in a roll were never close to direct impact forces...not in the same ballpark. It's all about maximum force/time. Rolls are nearly always comparatively slow, drawn out rotational acceleration, crashes are quick, near instantaneous. That makes an enormous difference. Rolling at 50mph, you might get hurt. Hitting a wall at 50mph, you're lucky if you survive.
Rolling looks scary until you've done it. Dead stop crashing is scary.

Edit: I once watched a truck roll 10 times at 100mph + through a fence...driver walked away and raced later that day. That speed into a boulder, he would be dead, no question.

wtfcaniuse said:

Citation needed*

Your spine is designed to move forward and backwards, not violently but still the mechanics allow for it. When it starts doing the same sideways, particularly in the neck as shown in this video is when you slip discs, fracture verts, pinch the cord, etc.

Security Guard Pulls Gun On Black Cop In Full Uniform

Jesusismypilot says...

"Is there any doubt that if it was a black security guard and white cop the security guard would be shot and, if he survived, charged with multiple felonies?"

Yes, there is much doubt. While bad things happen out there it's not like it's the norm. Plenty of people of varying races know how to get along without shooting each other.

Security Guard Pulls Gun On Black Cop In Full Uniform

newtboy says...

Aggravated menacing? A misdemeanor?
Is there any doubt that if it was a black security guard and white cop the security guard would be shot and, if he survived, charged with multiple felonies? Here, it seemed they didn't take the guard in or take his gun.
It was ironic to hear an officer complain that the guard escalated things excessively quickly. Going from zero to 100, threatening lethal force, is unacceptable...but police do it routinely every single day.

Why South Park Apologized – Wisecrack

newtboy says...

For newts, even the .1% will go down before the rest of the world.
When I moved here, N California, I would see newts and frogs constantly, even a >1' long giant tiger salamander in my greenhouse. Now, 19 years later, I still see some frogs, but no newts or salamanders....hardly even any banana slugs.

I always figured I could just go full Morlock and live a nice cannibalistic lifestyle underground if I survive civilization's death throws.....but I'm probably old and soft enough that I won't.

BSR said:

Well, look at the brightside.

If you're not part of the 1% you'll perish along with the rest of the world.

If you are part of the 1% you will be living in the hell you've created until you decide to put a ray gun to your head.

What do think all those Twilight Zone shows were about?

Firefighter Reinstated After Spitting on Black Toddler

C-note says...

A 3 year old kid was spat on by a 42 year old grown man. Not everything associated with kids is positive but life goes on if they survive it. Even Sesame Street tackles difficult events and topics.

Claudia Stauber DNC rant

Nephelimdream says...

Thank you for the promote! Sanders has already pushed his agenda further than anyone could have imagined, and the fight is still not over. Will we win? (I'm a Bernie delegate in my county) No, but if we survive the Trump presidency for 4 years, the revolution, a mainly peaceful one at that, just may take place. Why we get Bush, Clinton, Bush, sprinkled with Obama, Trump on top is beyond me. Oh wait, Americans are lazy, God fearing idiots. Release the nukes.

newtboy said:

*quality rant, excellent points. Please be this loud or louder on the convention floor, Ms Stauber.

The only thing that Sanders endorsing Clinton did was make his supporters disappointed in him, it didn't sway his supporters, especially now that the cat's out of the bag.

Unarmed Man Laying On Ground With Hands in Air Shot

newtboy says...

Sweet Zombie Jesus.

Those cops damn well better be convicted of attempted murder. If they aren't, it's going to be totally open season on anyone in blue. What unbelievable murderous fuckers.

Why in the fuck did they pull their guns on them? Black man in public?
There was never a gun, no cop ever saw a gun, no cop saw him move, no cop helped him after he was shot 3 times, instead they handcuffed him for being shot and withheld treatment (in the hope he might bleed to death?). I saw at least 2 men there that did have guns, and they absolutely used them to try to murder another person....why is no one shooting them, if 'man with gun' is a reason to shoot someone, shoot them.

Shoot first, ask questions later. That's the clear unambiguous MO of the cops....if they ever ask questions at that's how people should be responding to cops, (right?)...shoot first, then handcuff them, then let them bleed out on the street.....if they survive, blame them for the shooting and claim self defense, after all, they are armed and clearly dangerous. (Sounds pretty terrible put that way, huh?)
It's at the point where I understand why cops are outright murdering any cop killers and not even trying to arrest them, they know that no jury will convict a black man of cop killing, it's arguably self defense every time. I also totally understand the feelings of the ambushers. Cops have brought this on themselves with their own actions, and complete lack of action prosecuting their own crimes. At this point, it's kill or be killed, so totally understandable to shoot first if a cop shows up.

If they don't take severe action against every cop involved in this instance, there's going to be more cop killings. It's a certainty, and actually appropriate IMO. Self defense is the right of every citizen, not just cops. I have zero sympathy for recently murdered cops, and won't until there's more cops killed than there are unarmed citizens killed by cops.
I would never convict a cop killer in today's climate....and I'm not alone. Cops are begging for a race war, and doing all they can to ensure one starts.

Massive Police Chase Against Stunt Motorcycles

newtboy says...

Pit maneuver, please.
They were clearly endangering the public, and resisting arrest. Any injury they get from being rammed off their bikes, including death, is not compensable, and is their own fault.
What happens if you use a spike strip on a bike, I wonder.

What fucking reckless douchebags. Every single one of them should have their bike(s), and license taken, and then should be run into by their own bike at the maximum speed they ran from the cops, and then be arrested (if they survive).
They didn't think twice about running red lights at full speed while not even looking forwards sometimes. It's amazing they didn't kill someone in a crosswalk.
If you want to ride dirty, don't expect a whit of sympathy when you get rammed off your bike and end up paralyzed.
I was really glad to see at least one of them take himself out. I hope his bike is totaled, and his legs as well. I only wish it had happened 20 more times. Maybe he'll turn all his buddies in so he doesn't also get reamed by the DA.

Sarah Palin after the teleprompter freezes

newtboy says...

I have yet to hear a logical reason people crap on Carter...they invariably just say 'Carter, if you don't understand why he sucked, I just can't talk to you', never ' Carter, this is why he sucked'.
EDIT: If it's all about leadership, stability, and helping, you must be conflicted that Tricky Dick is republican, huh? The Bushes can't help either. It's a wonder you can stick with your party, I quit the republicans when they quit being republican, before I could vote, during Regan.
Carter provided leadership in a responsible direction, but idiots desired placation rather than leadership and didn't follow. Regan placated his base, and we nearly had a depression. Carter started us on a non-interventionist foreign policy, because he personally understood the short and long term repercussions of intervening, now we've shit in their pot so hard and long that we CAN'T just go hands off anymore, we've already created our enemy. That said, it's like a junkie going cold turkey, it hurts them, may kill them, but if they survive they have a chance of life, if they don't stop, they die soon anyway. If we could find a good foreign policy methadone, we should use it at every turn and start worrying about us, IMO. If we had not installed our leaders and otherwise interfered in the first place, everyone would be better off, but that ship has sailed (in many cases because we didn't follow Carter's suggestion to stay out, I might add).
OK, got me with Boston. Ft Hood is a lone gunman, and those stopped prove my point. I think you know I meant foreign spawned terrorist attacks, but I grant I did not say that. But then you have to admit there were other successful attacks under Bush AFTER 9/11, like the guy who flew his plane into the IRS building in Texas.
Agreed, the spread of religion is always terrible, no matter which religion, some are worse than others at times, none are good. I could support outlawing organized religion, but grant that most would not.
Obama did not create radical Islam. If anyone did, it's Regan, by arming them to the teeth against the red menace, then just walking away.
I also disagree that Obama's the 'my way or the highway' guy/side. Please recall, "You're either with us or against us" is a republican slogan. The republicans stated before Obama was inaugurated that he was already the worst president ever, and their plan for the next 4-8 years was 'just say no' to everything, even to plans they designed, but they have never come up with any alternatives, just "not Obama's way" over and over, that's real 'not leading' as opposed to the type they accuse Obama of.
4.5 years of shitty economy, but trending up, not down even then.
Where I live, jobs have been an issue since Regan/Bush 1, so I don't think you want to point that finger here.
Not true, stagnant over the last 14+ years. They certainly went up in the 90's.
Once again, Bush economics caused the recession, salaries went down during the recession/depression. Salaries are on the way up now...not fast enough, granted, but up.
Obama has NEVER been able to do whatever he thinks/wants. That is delusional. Even when the democrats had the votes to do so, they didn't, because they suck donkey dicks. Happy? ;-)
Times were better for a special few under Regan, not most. Times got better for most everyone under Clinton.
We agree on your final point, the Bushes sucked, lets build on that and not make that mistake again.

bobknight33 said:

When you say .." I have consistently said Carter was my favorite recent president.." That all I need to know how lost you are with reality.

The president provides leadership for USA and for the world. The world looks to us for stability and he provider of help when others are in need.

I didn't know what to think of Ron Paul idea about being a non interventionist. Obama has lifted the hand of interventionism off Arab nations and now we have a shit storm of assassins and killers who desire to kill everyone. Everyone knows this But OBAMA who for what ever reason fails to see this world danger. Now it will take the world decades to fight is battle. Sure these might have had a shitty American backed leader but their peoples were not mass murdered on wholesale levels like ISIS is doing.

We had domestic terrorist attacks. Fort Hood shooting (13 killed) , Boston bombing, and the car bomb that was defused in NYC. Many more stopped. There will be more blood shed on our soil in the name of ALLAH. This is a world wide problem.

Obama is the worst because of this and on domestic side he is a failure because he is steadfast with my way or the highway approach. 6 years and still a shitty economy, real employment is hovering just below 10%, IF you lost you job today do you think you would be able to get another straight away at the same pay? I don't

Salaries have continued to stagnate over last 20 years but under this leadership salaries have lost 4K.

Democrats got a historic spanking this recent midterm and Obama still thinks he can do what ever he thinks. He is delusional.

Times did get better with Regan and Clinton, The Bushes sucked.

History will be the judge, we are just spectators.

Insurance scam doesn't go as planned

lucky760 says...

Nope. I don't feel bad for him.

Hey stupid, if you survive, next time try to make sure the driver is looking in your general direction before flopping out of view underneath their bumper.

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